About This Blog

 Hello there!

Welcome to this blog! What is it? Well, I have some ideas of what it could be
  • A collection of TA-styled mini lectures about physics, astronomy, and math to help high school and undergrad students better understand their courses
  • Deep dives into fun facts about astronomy, like what it means for the Universe to be expanding
  • Discussion about astronomy news and current events
  • Insights into what it means to be an astronomy, aimed at those who are considering it as a career path
  • Meta-thoughts about science communication, the role of the scientist, the public, and the science communicator in-between
  • General journal entries from a tired graduate student
The number one thing this is: a chance for me to write. And write. And write. This will be mostly unedited, slightly unfiltered, hopefully not unhinged, and ideally understandable. I want to write here on a regular basis in order to practice putting my thoughts into words for a general audience. I want to begin entering the field of science communication, so here I am communicating. Hello!

I don't intend to share this with a large audience. In fact, if you've found this without me personally sharing it with you... Hello hello! I see this as the starting point to what I could do, like
  • Having a more legitimate, coherent blog, either of my own or contributing to an existing one
  • Making SciComm articles and posts to share on social media
  • Making SciComm videos to share on YouTube and TikTok (if that's still a thing when you're reading this)
  • Something like a podcast but honestly there are too many podcasts today so probably not that right now
This, in turn, can be in preparation for a more solid career in science communication, like
  • Working at a planetarium or science museum
  • Writing for a science magazine, TV show, YouTube series, etc.
  • Somehow giving a lot of outreach talks to a general audience, especially kids
Another path I wouldn't mind going down is "community college professor." To my knowledge, the demand is high and the supply is somewhat low, so entering with my STEM Master's degree should be straightforward. It's mostly teaching (which I see as a very specific kind of science communication) without research, which right now is somewhat appealing to me. And the locations are extremely flexible. Would this fulfill my dream job in science communication? Not really. But I would still probably have a good time doing it, and could try to enter scicomm from there as well.

That's what this is all about. For now at least. This is the internet, so I expect all of this to age like milk. But right now it's about getting that word count in. Thanks for reading 🌠


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